Nothing is there
It’s not open to interpretation
That vacuum in your heart
It is real
That last, best hope is
Eyes Wide
I sat
by my father’s side
As he died
In his eyes
Lids wide
As he realized
I am not normally a fan of books involving aliens and conspiracy theories and so on… after just a couple of chapters, I was completely hooked, and I can honestly say… I LOVE THIS BOOK! I recommend it to everyone out there if they want …
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One young woman with a mind of her own terrifies the Master and his minions with her quest to reveal the Horde of Power. $8.00 paperback78 pagesPublished: Feb 20, 2017Publisher: Elegant Publications CompanyISBN-13: 978-1520646589 Purchase
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“Now I told you already how hairy he was, and he had that big scraggly beard, well this was just scratching the hell out of my nipples. So I squealed, just a little. He musta thought that was encouragement, cause next thing I know, he’s biting my tit. Can you believe that shit? He bit my mother fucking tit!
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