When Benjamin is snatched by mysterious extraterrestrial beings in front of his anguished wife, Vanessa, their lives are forever changed. As Ben struggles to find his way back to the familiar, Vanessa joins forces with tenacious reporter Cronus to unravel the truth behind the abduction. However, shadowy government figures lurk in the background determined to keep secrets hidden. Will Ben and Vanessa’s love endure the cosmic trials thrown their way? Can Cronus break the story of a lifetime before it’s too late? Embark on a gripping journey of love, resilience, and heart-pounding suspense alongside these captivating characters.
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I am not normally a fan of books involving aliens and conspiracy theories and so on… after just a couple of chapters, I was completely hooked, and I can honestly say… I LOVE THIS BOOK! I recommend it to everyone out there if they want …
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